Industrial Master of Business Administration (IMBA)

Subjects for Each Programmes

Initiate strategic planning with the end in mind in learning, from defining mission, vision, values to strategic positioning, industry analysis, and devising differentiated strategies and tactics, all based on value innovation to forge a brand new strategy. Many owners of small and medium-sized enterprises lack strategic thinking, busily engaged in firefighting every day. Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once pointedly remarked: 'Don't cover laziness in strategy with diligence in operations,' which vividly depicts the plight of small and medium-sized enterprise owners!

Strategic Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 14 - 15 Dec 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Strategic Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 21 - 22 Dec 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Strategic Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 28 - 29 Dec 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)

From Marketing 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 to the current Marketing 4.0, as an entrepreneur, have you mastered the latest marketing knowledge and trends? Do you understand how to integrate O2O marketing strategies to drive your company's sales and performance? (O2O marketing model, also known as online-to-offline business model, refers to online marketing driving offline operations and offline consumption). Besides, can you return to the essence and spirit of 'branding' and create a humanized and compelling brand?

Marketing Strategy
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 26 - 27 Oct 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Marketing Strategy
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 23 - 24 Nov 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Marketing Strategy
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 10 - 11 Jan 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur

Branding Management course, can understand the most basic knowledge of brand, and also learn the importance of branding management, how to run a brand process. Let brand marketing reach the presentation of another field.

Branding Management
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 11 - 12 May 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Branding Management
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 15 - 16 June 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur

This course mainly focuses on enhancing the company's performance management capabilities and execution through the application of the Balanced Scorecard tool. Since its implementation in Malaysia and China, this course has been highly recognized by students, who have begun implementing this system in their respective enterprises.

Performance Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 8 - 9 June 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Performance Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 12 - 13 Oct 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)
Performance Management
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 16 - 17 Nov 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur

There is a saying: "He who has talent wins the world!" Nowadays, much of the competition among enterprises is a talent battle! Talent management is often a weak point for small and medium-sized enterprises. Many top talents prefer to build their careers in large organizations such as multinational corporations or listed companies, leaving small and medium-sized enterprises, which often face resource shortages, struggling to attract top talent. So, if you lack a set of talent management methods, we can help you:

  • Attracting and recruiting: Ensuring the ability to attract and recruit talents suitable for the company.
  • Assessment and evaluation: Conducting reasonable assessments of talents through appropriate methods.
  • Performance management: Through a reasonable processto drive higher performanceincluding measurement and feedback.
  • Talent development: Through techniques such as 360-degree feedbackto enhance employees' capabilities.
  • Employee succession: Through channels for employee development, succession planning, and talent pool management.
  • Employee retention: Enhancing satisfaction through processes and methodsreduce employee turnover rate.
Talent Management
Lecturer: Ms Phylis Wong
Date: 30 - 31 Mar 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Talent Management 
Lecturer: Ms Phylis Wong
Date: 18 - 19 May 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Talent Management
Lecturer: Ms Phylis Wong
Date: 22 - 23 June 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)

As the founder or boss of a company, what is leadership? To become a leader with significant influence, one must master three levels of leadership knowledge and abilities:

  • Leading oneself: Understanding one's own personality, traits, and abilities.
  • Leading a team: Effectively organizing a team consisting of individuals from diverse backgrounds, educational levels, personalities, traits, and abilities, and motivating them to collaborate wholeheartedly towards a common vision and goal.
  • Leading a business: Possessing strategic thinking and vision, being able to outline an inspiring vision, and having the determination and perseverance to not rest until that vision is achieved, leading the team with the courage and tenacity to persevere until the end, never giving up.
Strategic Leadership
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 16 - 17 Mar 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Strategic Leadership
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 23 - 24 Mar 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)
Strategic Leadership
Lecturer: Prof Loh Wei Hoong
Date: 10 - 11 Aug 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang

Organizational Behavior is a scientific discipline that studies the behavior and psychological principles of individuals within organizations. It is a branch of behavioral science. With the development of society, especially economic growth driving the development of corporate organizations, Organizational Behavior has received increasing attention. American scholar Stephen P. Robbins believes that Organizational Behavior is a field of study that explores the influence of individuals, groups, and structures on internal organizational behavior, in order to apply this knowledge to improve organizational effectiveness.

Organizational Behavior
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 14 - 15 Sep 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Organizational Behavior
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 10 - 11 Jan 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)
Organizational Behavior
Lecturer: Prof Chia Choon Wha
Date: 22 - 23 Feb 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Consumption behavior, also known as consumer behavior, focuses on individuals, families, groups or organizations: they choose, preserve, use and managing products, services, experiences or ideas to meet demand, and these processes have an impact on consumers and society. It combines the elements of psychology, sociology, social anthropology, marketing and economics, trying to understand the buyer's decision-making process, including individuals and groups: for example, how emotions affect buying behavior.

Consumer Behavior
Lecturer: Prof Zheng Guang Hua
Date: 20 - 21 April 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Consumer Behavior
Lecturer: Prof Zheng Guang Hua
Date: 27 - 28 Apr 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang

One of the biggest pain points for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners is their inability to read financial statements. Many individuals only focus on the Profit and Loss Statement, and often only glance at the top (revenue or annual turnover) or bottom (gross profit or net profit after tax) figures, with little understanding of other numbers. Professional CEOs or presidents understand how to read and interpret the three most important financial statements, and through precise analysis, they extract business wisdom to make more informed business decisions in the future.

Accounting for Entrepreneurs
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 17 - 18 Aug 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Accounting for Entrepreneurs
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 24 - 25 Aug 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)
Accounting for Entrepreneurs
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 19 - 20 Oct 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
New technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, mobile network and cloud are changing the operation mode of business; For enterprises, the implementation of digital transformation is not only embracing omni-channel digital marketing, but also a systematic reform and reorganization of customer relationship, process and organization, management strategy and even mentality. Digital transformation is the first course specially designed for enterprise proprietors and senior managers, by analyzing the subversive influence of digital trend on enterprise management and combining with real cases, the concepts and practices of digital marketing, digital transformation and digital integration are explained in simple terms to help enterprise managers master the key elements of business decision-making and the strategy of "winning by intelligence" in a digital environment.

Big Data and Digital Transformation
Lecturer: Dr Lau Cher Han
Date: 10 - 11 Jan 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Big Data and Digital Transformation
Lecturer: Dr Lau Cher Han
Date: 15 - 16 Feb 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Big Data and Digital Transformation
Lecturer: Dr Lau Cher Han
Date: 22 - 23 Feb 2025
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)

Many people make irreparable mistakes when starting a business, often related to choosing partners and equity design. Understanding the correct thinking and framework of equity design can help entrepreneurs avoid many pitfalls. In addition, the course mainly explores how to gradually develop and initiate the correct capital model on a solid foundation (profitable and effective market operation).

Equity Design and Capital Operation
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 21 - 22 Sep 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Equity Design and Capital Operation
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 28 - 29 Sep 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Faire Education (Batu Pahat)
Equity Design and Capital Operation
Lecturer: Mr Patrick Luah
Date: 9 - 10 Nov 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang
Do you also encounter these sales problems?
  • Sales performance always can't go up
  • Customers are losing a lot
  • Low team morale

"Sale Management & OGSM" course, specially designed to solve these pain points, help you and your team improve sales performance, winning customers satsfaction.

Highlights of the course:

1. Find out 7 psychological equation processes of customer purchase and 3 golden principles of sales.
2. Learn to formulate effective sales strategies and trade secrets.
3. Skills to enhance sales influence and OGSM sales target setting.
4. Master 7 kinds of relationship selling skills.
5. Grasp customer expectations and solve service gaps, and establish RATER service experience process.
6. Design a highly satisfied customer journey.
Sale Management & OGSM
Lecturer: Ms Jessica Chin
Date: 20 - 21 Jul 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Sale Management & OGSM
Lecturer: Ms Jessica Chin
Date: 27 - 28 Jul 2024
Time:9am – 5pm
Venue: Penang

Operations management involves the planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling of operational processes. It encompasses various management tasks closely related to product production and service creation. From another perspective, operations management can also refer to the design, operation, evaluation, and improvement of systems for producing and providing a company's primary products and services.

Operations management involves the planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling of operational processes. It encompasses various management tasks closely related to product production and service creation. From another perspective, operations management can also refer to the design, operation, evaluation, and improvement of systems for producing and providing a company's primary products and services.


Contact Us

109B, 110, 111 & 112, Jalan Chengal,
Taman Makmur,
83000, Batu Pahat, Johor

For the IMBA program, we are currently operating in three locations.

1. Batu Pahat
2. Kuala Lumpur
3. Penang

IMBA (Batu Pahat)

Date Subject Lecturer
23 – 24 Mac 2024 Strategic Leadership (Compulsory) Prof Loh Wei Hoong
20 – 21 Apr 2024 Consumer Behaviour (KL) (Compulsory) Prof Zheng Guang Hua (Taiwan)
25 – 26 May 2024 Branding Management (Compulsory) Prof Chia Choon Wha
22 – 23 Jun 2024 Talent Management (Compulsory) Ms Phylis Wong
20 – 21 Jul 2024 Sale Management & OGSM (KL) (Elective) Ms Jessica Chin
24 – 25 Aug 2024 Accounting for Entrepreneurs (Compulsory) Mr Patrick Luah
28 – 29 Sep 2024 Equity Design and Capital Management (Compulsory) Mr Patrick Luah
12 – 13 Oct 2024 Performance Management (Compulsory) Prof Loh Wei Hoong
23 – 24 Nov 2024 Marketing Strategy (KL) (Compulsory) Prof Chia Choon Wha
28 – 29 Dec 2024 Strategic Management (Compulsory) Prof Loh Wei Hoong
10 – 11 Jan 2025 Organizational Behavior (Compulsory) Prof Chia Choon Wha
22 – 23 Feb 2025 Big Data and Digital Transformation (Elective) Dr Lau Cher Han


16 – 17 Mac 2024Strategic Leadership (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
20 – 21 Apr 2024Consumer Behavior (Compulsory)Prof Zheng Guang Hua (Taiwan)
18 – 19 May 2024Talent Management (Compulsory)Ms Phylis Wong
15 – 16 Jun 2024Branding Management (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha
20 – 21 Jul 2024Sale Management & OGSM (Elective)Ms Jessica Chin
17 – 18 Aug 2024Accounting for Entrepreneurs (Compulsory)Mr Patrick Luah
21 – 22 Sep 2024Equity Design and Capital Management (Compulsory)Mr Patrick Luah
26 – 27 Oct 2024Marketing Strategy (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha
16 – 17 Nov 2024Performance Management (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
21 – 22 Dec 2024Strategic Management (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
10 – 11 Jan 2025Big Data and Digital Transformation (Elective)Dr Lau Cher Han
22 – 23 Feb 2025Organizational Behavior (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha

IMBA (Penang)

30 – 31 Mac 2024Talent Management (Compulsory)Ms Phylis Wong
27 – 28 Apr 2024Consumer Behavior (Compulsory)Prof Zheng Guang Hua (Taiwan)
11 – 12 May 2024Branding Management (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha
8 – 9 Jun 2024Performance Management (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
27 – 28 Jul 2024Sale Management & OGSM (Elective)Ms Jessica Chin
10 – 11 Aug 2024Strategic Leadership (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
14 – 15 Sep 2024Organizational Behavior (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha
19 – 20 Oct 2024Accounting for Entrepreneurs (Compulsory)Mr Patrick Luah
9 – 10 Nov 2024Equity Design and Capital Management (Compulsory)Mr Patrick Luah
14 – 15 Dec 2024Strategic Management (Compulsory)Prof Loh Wei Hoong
10 – 11 Jan 2025Marketing Strategy (KL) (Compulsory)Prof Chia Choon Wha
15 – 16 Feb 2025Big Data and Digital Transformation (Elective)Dr Lau Cher Han